Thursday, January 20, 2011

I want your attention!!!

Let's say that one day you meet a person who catch all of your attention. She's (well in my case of course that person is a 'she') pretty, tall, very passionate about God and smart. Whenever that person passes by, your head is automatically become pilot mode as if that person is your destination. You will look him/her in a different way, it seems there's something different in the way you look at that person. And of course, its so obvious that all of your friends can notice it. Have you ever been in that situation? I bet if you are a normal person, you had been in that situation before. Me? Yes of course I had been in that situation before. Having someone who cares and gives attention to you is not a bad thing at all. We are all want that. We are all want to be paid attention of, that's a nature of be a center of attention. Well, there might be some people who don't want to be in that situation obviously. But that doesn't mean they don't get it, yet they get it from themselves e.g. I met some people who loves playing games. Everyday, most of his time were spent in his room playing games. He doesn't like going out with his friends, he doesn't like to socialize...and he's happy to just lock himself in his room playing game. So does that mean he doesn't want attention from anyone? No, he got it from himself. He thought that if he can make himself feels satisfied, why would he need to get it from someone else? Why would he has to try hard so that everyone will pay attention to him? Got what I mean? I hope you do..

Where did I get this concept so that I decide to write about this? It's from this verse, Psalm 33: 18

" But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,"

Eyes talk about giving attention. 'I won't believe till I see it with my own eyes!', how many times we heard this sentence? To be honest, I was a person who love to be a center of attention. I want everyone to love me, I want everyone to see good of me, I want everyone to look high of me, I want all of their attention! I want to be famous! And because of that, I was a selfish person. Everything is about me and me only. Whenever I need help from my friends, they HAVE to help me. Whenever I need to borrow some money, they HAVE to lend me some money. However, when they need my help...I would think it twice. I would think it this way: "How will it benefit me if I help him/her?" If it doesn't benefit me at all, I would find some excuses not to help them. Some of you might be surprise knowing this side of me. Well...don't think bad of me first, of course I didn't do that all the time. But, that was one of my character before and there were times I help people without thinking that way of course. But most of the time I did that...hahaha...

When I read that verse, it suddenly brought me back to the 'old my self'. Somehow, God wants me to learn something. He wants me to not depend on any human's attention. He wants me to know that He pays attention to me......IF ONLY I fear Him and my hope is His unfailing love. Yes, there are 2 main points in this verse. You can't expect to be a center of attention when you don't have anything on you right? Same thing with God, in a way.

1. Fear talks about living your life right in front of God and people surround you. It also talks about how we need to always pray, worship, fasting and do our quiet time with Him. Fear in HIm is not something like....a teacher who is very strict to his students that the students are afraid of him. Not something like that. We fear Him not because of the consequences of our sins, but we fear Him because we hate sins. We feel bad doing sins not because we are afraid of the consequences of the sin itself, we feel bad doing sin because we know God hates it. It somehow, breaks God's heart. Not easy to have this kind of life...a life that doing these kind of things I mention above, it requires a commitment of course. Commitment is not merely a word 'yes/no'...its more to be like 'whatever the situation is, I will keep doing it'. No excuses at all.

2. Hope is His unfailing love talks about trust and faith. It's easy to say that we love God, we know He's in control etc etc.....but have you ever read this verse? Matthew 7:21

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

It doesn't matter how good your words in your prayer every night, it doesn't matter how good is your voice when you sing....all matter is your heart. Do you really live in the words that you speak out? Do you really put 100% of your hope in His hands??? Faith without actions are meaningless...and vice versa.

Having encounter with Jesus might be the best moment in my life. It's not like I'm saying that I'm perfect and I always do everything that I put above. No, I'm still human. I'm sometime also struggling with myself. But, it the decision afterward that matters..whether you give up, or rise up again and keep trying and hold on to your faith in Jesus. Do you want to be in His sight? Do you want His eyes are set on you all the time?? I do! I want to have His attention, I want Him to be the source of my life all the time! Let's commit and I pray that you take the right decision together with me!! :)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don't play around with grace!!!

Happy new year 2011!!! Baru sadar kalau blog terakir dibuat May 2010..uda lama banget ga nulis blog ternyata :p..dan ini menunjukan how time flies really fast!.. Banyak banget kejadian tahun 2010 yang membuat gue can't say thank enough to God for He's been so good for me di saat gue masih sering melakukan banyak kesalahan..

I got a job in EY (dimana ini menjadi tempat kerja impian saat dari kuliah..) dan prosesnya pun ga gampang..dari interview yang ancur2an..ampe akhirnya dipanggil lagi, berdoa di depan gedung EY dan akhirnya di terima meskipun belom ada Permanent Visa at that time...^^..His grace!

Another thing was I got the opportunity to go back to Indo and spent time with family....met my mom, bro, sis, dad and my precious niece..Jessica Queen after 5 years. I think that was one of the best holidays I ever had in my life so far..its too good that I can't accept the fact that I have to go back to Australia and have my normal life back as usual. For some of you, you know what I meant right?? :p..Butuh waktu sampai 2 bulan untuk bisa kembali menjalani kehidupan di Sydney..dan masa2 'melankolis' pun menghilang...hehehehe... my PR at the end of 2010!!!! I thank God that I received my PR just before I closed 2010..the process was a bit funny though. One day I received email from immigration saying that they needed some of the documents to be uploaded again. I just uploaded one and will upload the other one in the next day..but the next day, i received email from immigration that I shud upload the other document 'ASAP'. Have you ever received email from immigration like that? It's like they are the one who want to give me the visa ASAP. and as soon as I uploaded it, I got my PR within the next 2 great is our God???

There are 2 things that I want to share with you all in this beginning of 2011...:

1. Never questioning God's work.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end"

Jangan pernah meragukan Tuhan dalam penggenapan akan janji2Nya. Who are we questioning God anyway? He is the GOD and the only GOD. Mungkin banyak dari kita sekarang menunggu janji2 Tuhan yang pernah kita dapatkan, THEN BELIEVE IT AND HAVE FAITH THAT IT WILL HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER. Qavah!(waiting eagerly). Seperti Abraham yang dijanjikan oleh Tuhan untuk mempunyai keturunan, tapi dia harus melalui proses menunggu sampai 25 tahun! Apa abraham ga pernah meragukan Tuhan dan bertanya2 apa Tuhan akan menepati janjiNya? pernah!tapi saat Abraham mulai meragukan Tuhan, ia langsung bertobat dan menghadapkan matanya pada pribadi Tuhan..bukan janji2Nya....maka dari itu, bagi kalian yang pernah melakukan kesalahan seperti abraham..hurry and repent! Saat kita kembali kepada Tuhan dan meng-set iman kita kepada diri-Nya (bukan janji2Nya), percayalah Tuhan pasti akan menepati janjiNya di waktu yang tepat....(Karos)...the fact I got the PR, I never actually questioning when God will grant me the PR. All I did was believe and trust that He will make and always make everything beautiful in His time.

Never questioning God....EVER. Have a faith like Abraham..

2. Don't play around with grace.

Romans6 :1-2
"What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"

Beberapa hari yang lalu, I did something bad to God that it would only make me cry when I pray to Him. I felt bad and unworthy...I felt that He will not love me anymore because of this. But, suddenly Holy Spirit said.."you are forgiven my SON. For I'm your Father, I just want you to be honest with ME when you are wrong. You are not my servant...therefore I have forgiven you.'
I kept crying...even harder knowing that He's forgiven me.

That's Him. He's our Father and we are His sons and daughters. We will always do sins as long as we live in this flesh. But, know this...your relationship with God is Father and son. All He wants you to do when you do something bad, is being honest with Him and repent. His grace is sufficient for us.

Then, is grace the license to do sins. NOT AT ALL. read that verse above. when we are consumed by the fullness of His grace, how can we still live under sins and do sins??? It will never be a license..Grace is the proof how big God's love for us. His love is unconditional and unexplainable. We will never understand His love anyway...therefore, we can experience His love in our life everyday. It's amazing.

So, never play around with your life anymore. Get it right...with the Words of God = READ YOUR BIBLE !!!!!

One of my resolution this year is to keep my blog updated with this kind of message. I just hope that this will be blessings for all of you who read this. Our life is His story..therefore, I will give the pen to Him and let Him write my that in the end, His name is glorified!

Let's soar high to the sky like an eagle!!!!

