Friday, March 26, 2010

A little bit more about my self , ep:1 - Why I love to write

It's 8:32 PM 26/3/10, when I started to write this blog. I've dedicated my self to, at least, update my blog
once a week. Ya I know, it's not an obligation to do so. However, I want to keep my self writing something
so that I don't lose my passion in writing. Now you must be wondering since when I started to love writing..
It was back then when I was still in High School. I's in year 11 that one day, out of nowhere, I started to write. I started my hobby with writing a..... cerpen (Cerita Pendek)'s just like a short story for those who don't understand what cerpen is.

The first cerpen I made only consists about 2 pages. Not too long at all. But, starting from passion
in writing has begun. I began to write another cerpen, maybe around 3-4 cerpen that I have made. Then I was thinking "hem..cerpen is too short, I can't develop the story. Maybe..I should start writing a novel?". 
And you are correct! Finally my first novel was created! It only consists of...I think 30 pages. 
Oh trust me, 30 pages of writing are not too hard at all. It's just when you really know what you want 
to write and how you want to develop your story, it will flow like a river. 

And from there, I began to write another one, another one and another one. I really have no idea where did
I get so much time to do so. To be honest, my life during high school was very packed and busy! It's BPK penabur 3, how can you expect not to be busy in that school?? Especially I'm in Science class...not to mention that those in Social class were relax...:p kiddo. I even submitted one of my writing in a magazine. Unfortunately, I did not they did not publish it..o well...

And finally, gradually my life became busier since I moved to Australia to continued my study. You really have to manage yourself in here. Therefore, it's really hard for me to spend some of my time writing in front
of my lappy. And I decided to stop making writing a final project. I want to write a very long
novel. And I finally managed to finish it! 153 pages of A4.....

Then I stopped writing anything. Many things happened and made me become lazy to write. However, 
the joy of writing, when you started will never go away. Then I decided that I will write again, not like
writing novels or such, but I want to write anything about my life. I started it with writing in Friendster's blog,
Facebook and now, blogger. And I also writing in one of Indonesian Magazine in Australia at the moment.

I never thought that my writing is good, and I was afraid that when people read it, they will just laugh reading
it. But, I realize one thing about writing... a writing is determined good or not by how you can truly express
your feeling in it. Not because your structure is good, the story is awesome, the words you are using
is's not that. It's judged by how you can truly express what you really want to say in
your writing. That what makes me keep writing up until now, I don't care about how I should write..but
I care more about what I want to express in my writing. 

Now, for those of you who loves to write, keep writing! Spend your time recording the story about
your life...don't be afraid about what people will think about it, just write it down! I might not be the 
best writer, but at least...I'm doing what I love to do.

Happy writing!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Turning a mess into a message..

Udah lumayan lama gue bangun dengan sakit kepala sebelah, gue rasa uda ada hampir 3 bulanan. Tapi hari ini
gue bangun dengan perasaan gelisah dan kepala yang,lumayan, sakit. Well, tapi mau ga mau gue harus
pergi ke gereja untuk selesain kerjaan gue supaya juga ga numpuk terlalu banyak.

Tapi bukan itu main concern gue, it's my sis. uda bebrapa hari dia di rumah sakit..panas 38-39 naik turun naik
turun terus. Gimana ga khawartir kalau dia kondisi kayak gitu? I'm her brother anyhow. Setiap hari
selalu gue tanya gimana keadaan dia, tapi jawabannya ga pernah bagus. Selalu masih sakit, masih panas dan
ga bisa makan banyak. Nah...kalau uda begini, bertambah lah pikiran gue, tentang nyokap gue. 
Pasti dia juga kepikiran terus menerus...dan terbukti benar baru pagi ini dia telp, dan ngomong sangat banyak
dan believe me, you will know straight away that she is worried so  much about my sis.

Baru aja gue kehilangan dompet, sempet konflik ama housemate karena ribut nya setenga jidat kalau tenga sekarang cici gue kayak begini. Timbulah pertanyaan yang common : 'God, why are these happening to me at one time???'. Don't help me to answer that, gue uda tau jawabannya dan ga seharusnya
gue bertanya seperti itu. Never questioning God. 

So, apa yang bisa gue lakukan? I found the answer in twitter...yes twitter. Gue sempet baca that God uses mess to turn it into a message. Wow, wonderful. Jawaban yang gue cari cuma simple, cari pesan yang
tersembunyi di balik semua kejadian ini. Dan sampai sekarang, gue ga berusaha untuk berpikir keras 
untuk cari tahu jawabannya, gue jalanin aja semuanya dulu until God answers it to me by Himself. 

Beberapa temen gue yang uda ketemu gue setelah balik indo kemarin, banyak yang bilang gue terlalu melo 
semenjak balik Indo atau what eva it  is, I tell you what... ya ini lah gue. I am what I am. Sepertinya
uda terlalu lama gue menjadi orang yang bukan diri gue, if someone says I'm a melo type of person
, so be it. 
Hope you get well soon sis, my pray is with you. There is a hidden message in this mess. 


Friday, March 12, 2010

The starts of my journey...

I can't remember when was the last time I wrote something on blog. Since I gave up using Friendster (Does 
anyone know what Friendster is?), I never update my blog again. Sometime I just write a note in Facebook, but I never treat it as a blog of my own. It's just something that I want to write..well some of you must be thinking, it's the same as blog. Well, if you are a kind of person who loves to write, you realize that a note and a blog are different.

This is just an introduction how I will start blogging again. If you see the title above, you will read 'the most interesting channel in this world, is your life'. Our life is like a movie that we usually watch on a big screen, regardless it is a 3D or not. It has a beginning and it has an ending. I realize I will never find the best movie 
of all time, because I know my life is the best movie. When Oscar selected The Hurt Locker as the best Picture, I think they have made a mistake. It's your life who should win all the categories in Oscar.

Our life has originality, awesome script and special. Life is not meant to be 'so-so'. God created us so that
we can enjoy our life with a taste of heaven in it. Heaven..talking about heaven, what does it taste like? 
I tell you, go to your home and be with your family. Laugh with them, cry with them, struggle with them,
debate with them..share your thoughts with them.....that's heaven on earth. Our family is our little heaven on earth. I can't describe it, but I can guarantee you. 

The last time I went back to Indonesia, I felt afraid. I felt that I will not understand my family like I used to be anymore. However, family is a family. No matter how rich or poor is your family, whenever there is love
for each other in there, you feel heaven on earth. I love my family. I love my mom, dad, big bro, big sis and
my niece. They are my treasures. I want to keep it on a treasure chest and never make a key to open it.

I dedicated my first post in this blog to God (He is above all else..the mighty Creator) and to my family.
Love y'all.... 

I will update my blog as frequent as I can. As my life is very is yours.
